How To Make A Super Effective Mosquito Trap

I love almost everything about summer. Between the days spent at the beach, backyard barbecues, and glorious summer sunshine, what’s not to love? Well, just one thing comes to mind – bugs. And particularly mosquitoes. Nothing ruins a nice evening out on the deck like a swarm of bloodthirsty mosquitoes. While many people would say their least favorite sound in the entire world is nails on a chalkboard, I can confidently say that mine is the sound of a whining mosquito in my ear. It makes me cringe just thinking about it.

Lighting a citronella candle can work to ward off mosquitoes in a small area, but in all honesty, I don’t want mosquitoes anywhere near me. So, what’s the solution? According to a video I’ve just seen on TikTok, the solution is something called a Skeeterbag.

A Skeeterbag is a mesh bag that clips onto the back side of a 20″ box fan. When you turn on the fan, the mosquitoes get sucked in (kind of like a tornado effect) and end up trapped inside the bag. Empty the bag once a week or as needed, and keep reusing to get rid of mosquitoes again and again! Check out the video below to see the Skeeterbag in action:

The Skeeterbag and fan work best in outdoor spaces where mosquitoes are prone to hanging around, such as near windows or outdoor lights, especially as dusk approaches. This is also a great contraption to put up around livestock or animals, as we all know mosquitoes target them specifically.

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