Couple Makes A Bet: No Eating Out, No Cheat Meals, No Alcohol. A Year After, This Is How They Look

When Lexi and Danny Reed were younger, they were a normal couple with normal goals and dreams.

However, there was one major obstacle holding the couple back from pursuing their lives to the fullest: they were both overweight.

 weighed in at a staggering 480 pounds on their wedding day, while Danny was only 279 pounds.

Lexi and Danny’s weight put them in awkward social settings and limited their ability to participate in numerous activities.

It was time for a new beginning for them.

Lexi and Danny had been pals for ten years when she finally met her soul mate. Feelings of love blossomed over time, and the two friends ultimately decided to tie the knot.

Danny’s greatness lay in his ability to accept Lexi unconditionally, regardless of her physical appearance.

“He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel as anything other than beautiful,” Lexi wrote on Instagram.

Danny, however, had a similarly unhealthy lifestyle and struggled to maintain his physical fitness.

Lexi’s 25th birthday was marked by a weight of 392 pounds. Danny was 280 pounds and two years older than Lexi.

“I was always an emotional eater, also, and no matter what the mood, food was always there for me,” Lexi said.

As the years passed, the pair continued to drag each other down. According to Lexi, they both indulged in unhealthy behaviors, but they eventually came to terms with the fact that their weight was a problem.

The Terre Haute, Indiana, couple was aware that they needed to make some changes, but they were both too terrified to do so.

We have easily eaten 4,000 calories per day. Vegetables were rarely on the menu. Everything we ate was either fried or fast food,” Lexi told the Daily Mail.

Lexi’s weight also hindered her performance in her daily life. She started to feel increasingly uneasy in her current setting.

Lexi can pinpoint the exact moment when she had had enough.

“I had long been looking forward to going to an amusement park and riding the roller coaster,”she says. “But when I got to the beginning of the queue, I was told I was too heavy. I couldn’t go. It was so incredibly embarrassing.”

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